Spring Boot Annotations
@SpringBootApplication @SpringBootApplication is an annotation in the Spring Framework for Java that indicates that a class is a Spring Boot application. This annotation combines several other annotations, including @Configuration, @EnableAutoConfiguration, and @ComponentScan, into a single convenient annotation. The @Configuration annotation indicates that the class is a source of bean definitions for the application context. The…
Deserializing JSON to an abstract class, interface, or to inherited objects in Spring Boot Webclient
@JsonTypeInfo and @JsonSubTypes annotations. First, you need to ensure that your classes are properly annotated for serialization and deserialization. You can use the @JsonTypeInfo and @JsonSubTypes annotations to specify the type hierarchy of your objects @JsonSubTypes with not matching any conditions and return as null If you have a JSON object that does not match…
Deserialize case-insensitive JSON in Spring Boot Webclient
If you want to deserialize case-insensitive JSON in Spring Boot using Jackson, you can configure the ObjectMapper to use the ACCEPT_CASE_INSENSITIVE_PROPERTIES feature. JSON Java Pojo WebClient Example 1 WebClient Example 2
Spring AOP
Introduction Key Concepts Pointcut Examples AOP Other Concepts Reference https://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs/6.0.x/reference/html/core.html#aop https://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs/6.0.x/reference/html/core.html#aop-api
Today’s Development Challenges
Common Application(Web/Mobile/Desktop) Development Challenges
Here are the list of common concept, Typically required by any application(Web/Mobile/Desktop).
How to add new code or new method to the existing java class without even extending or implementing it.
There might be use case where sometime we want to access private members or do some processing with existing members or changes some component configuration while initialize an object. Solution: – Write an Anonymous class with new method having your all required statements. Then add return statement with “this” in the end of the method…