Customize Themes in Flutter App
Singleton Service/Utils/Constants Classes in Flutter
Http Networking in Flutter
http – Single package for Cross-platform
WebSocket Networking in Flutter
web_socket_channel – The package provides a WebSocketChannel that allows you to both listen for messages from the server and push messages to the server.
Observer Design Pattern in Flutter – Provider Package
Drawing in Flutter
In Flutter, you can use the CustomPaint and CustomPainter classes to draw to the canvas. CustomPainter subclasses must implement the paint() and shouldRepaint() methods. It’s should be passes to CustomPaint’s as a painter parameter.
Animations in Flutter
Well-designed animations make a UI feel more intuitive, contribute to the slick look and feel of a polished app, and improve the user experience. Most of the inbuild animation build on “Animation<T> class” Some of the Implementation are: –