Kafka provides list of CLI and UI based utilities those are useful while managing/debugging/monitoring various Kafka entities like: –
- Cluster
- Broker
- Producer
- Consumer
- Topics
- Partition
- Payload
CLI Tools

Start Zookeeper
zookeeper-server-start.bat ....\config\zookeeper.properties
Start Multiple Kafka Server
kafka-server-start.bat ..\..\config\server1.properties
kafka-server-start.bat ..\..\config\server2.properties
kafka-server-start.bat ..\..\config\server3.properties
kafka-console-producer.bat --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic topic1
kafka-console-producer.bat --bootstrap-server localhost:9093 --topic topic2
kafka-console-producer.bat --bootstrap-server localhost:9094 --topic topic3
kafka-console-consumer.bat --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --from-beginning --topic topic1
kafka-console-consumer.bat --bootstrap-server localhost:9093 --from-beginning --topic topic2
kafka-console-consumer.bat --bootstrap-server localhost:9094 --from-beginning --topic topic3
Create Topic’s
kafka-topics.bat --create --zookeeper localhost:2182 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic topic1
kafka-topics.bat --create --zookeeper localhost:2182 --replication-factor 3 --partitions 1 --topic topic2
kafka-topics.bat --create --zookeeper localhost:2182 --replication-factor 3 --partitions 3 --topic topic3
Update Partitions
kafka-topics.bat --zookeeper localhost:2182 --alter --topic topic2 --partitions 3
kafka-topics.bat --zookeeper localhost:2182 --list
Listing Partitions Which are not in-sync with leader
kafka-topics.bat --describe --zookeeper localhost:2182 --under-replicated-partitions
Listing Partitions Which are Not Having Leader
kafka-topics.bat --describe --zookeeper localhost:2182 --unavailable-partitions
Describe Topics
kafka-topics.bat --describe --zookeeper localhost:2182
kafka-topics.bat --describe --zookeeper localhost:2182 --topic topic1
is the node responsible for all reads and writes for the given partition. Each node will be the leader for a randomly selected portion of the partitions.
is the list of nodes that replicate the log for this partition regardless of whether they are the leader or even if they are currently alive.
is the set of “in-sync” replicas. This is the subset of the replicas list that is currently alive and caught-up to the leader.
Delete Topic
Make sure below properties is set in server.properties.
kafka-topics.bat --delete --zookeeper localhost:2182 --topic topic1
Kafka config syntax
kafka-configs.bat –zookeeper localhost:2182 –alter –entity-type –entity-name –add-config =[,=…]
For example retention for the topic named “topic2” to 1 hour (3,600,000 ms)
kafka-configs.bat --zookeeper localhost:2182 --alter --entity-type topics --entity-name topic2 --add-config retention.ms=3600000
kafka-configs.bat --zookeeper localhost:2182 --describe --entity-type topics --entity-name topic2
View all config
kafka-configs.bat --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --all --entity-type topics --entity-name topic2
Other tools
In order to trigger manually leadership for any partition after broker restarted/Stopped
kafka-preferred-replica-election.bat --zookeeper localhost:2182
kafka-run-class.bat kafka.tools.ExportZkOffsets --zkconnect localhost:2182 --group testgroup --output-file offsets
Dumping Log Segments
kafka-run-class.bat kafka.tools.DumpLogSegments --files ..\..\data\kafka-server1\topic1-0\00000000000000000000.log
kafka-run-class.bat kafka.tools.DumpLogSegments --files ..\..\data\kafka-server1\topic1-0\00000000000000000000.log --print-data-log
Manually deleting topics (not recommended)
- Shutdown Brokers
- Go to C:\zworkdrive\kafka\data\kafka-server1
- Delete topic specific folders