Drawing in Flutter
In Flutter, you can use the CustomPaint and CustomPainter classes to draw to the canvas. CustomPainter subclasses must implement the paint() and shouldRepaint() methods. It’s should be passes to CustomPaint’s as a painter parameter.
Animations in Flutter
Well-designed animations make a UI feel more intuitive, contribute to the slick look and feel of a polished app, and improve the user experience. Most of the inbuild animation build on “Animation<T> class” Some of the Implementation are: –
Flutter Multi Threading
Exception handling in Flutter
All errors caught by Flutter are routed to the FlutterError.onError handler. Which can be use at App/Root widget level. Errors that don’t occur within Flutter’s callbacks can’t be caught by the flutter framework, but still, we can handle them by setting up an error handler on the PlatformDispatcher. for more details read official documentation –…
Flutter Packages for Pre-build Widgets, Localizations i18, Database Accessibility, Access native device capabilities, Unit Testing, Logging, OAuth 2.0.
Flutter Learning Resources
Flutter – Why I am? Why Google developed Flutter.
Just A Claim Not Facts Whenever we develop an app on Flutter for iOS and Android, it automatically gets uploaded/compatible on the Fuchsia store as well. By facilitating apps in Fuchsia ecosystem long before it is even made live in the market will ensure that it doesn’t face a death like Windows, which suffered because…